Applications for concession will be treated in the strictest confidence and should be marked for the personal attention of the Membership Manager. Applications that fall outside scenarios described in the Membership Concessions Policy (2017)[1] are considered on the recommendation of the Membership Manager.

The closing date for concession applications is 26 March 2021.

Subscriptions concessions will be considered under extraordinary circumstances. To support the application, the relevant supporting documentation is required in order to properly consider the matter. Please refer to our Membership Concessions Policy (2017) document as a reference guide.

Note that it is impossible to consider the merits of each case without sufficient information and supporting documentation. You are encouraged to include a brief description/motivation outlining your current situation and the reason for your application.

It is important to note that concessions are granted for one year only and that an application has to be submitted again in the following year if a concession is again required

If this application for concession is declined – a resignation in good standing may not be submitted thereafter. Should you wish to resign as a member from SAICA, such a submission must be submitted in writing on or before the 31st January of the membership year. The decision of the review committee is final and no further correspondence will be entered into once a decision has been made.

[1] The Membership Concession Policy was approved by FINCO on 26 September 2017 and is available to all members on request.

Personal Information (Part A)

Employment Information (Part B)

Please tick (select) the appropriate option:
Please tick (select) the appropriate option:

Supporting Documentation Required

Minimum Supporting Documents Required
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
*Not required for applicants not working because of retrenchment/medical condition/maternity leave
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
*Not required for applicants not working because of retrenchment/medical condition/maternity leave
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
*Required if Resigned or Retrenched or Involuntarily Terminated
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
*Required for Maternity Leave applications
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
*Required for Maternity Leave applications
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
*Required for Medical Condition applications
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.

Annexure A (Part C)

This section is NOT applicable if applying for concession because of maternity leave/medical condition or retrenchment

Monthly Income and Expenditure Statement (Abbreviated):

A copy of your most recent income tax assessment or tax return as well as a statement of your bank account to support this statement)

Statement of Assets and Liabilities

Additional Information (Part D):

It is imperative that all applicants understand that the membership fee concession is only considered and granted to members who are temporarily not able to afford the membership fee for the current membership year as a result of circumstances which have come about through events not within a members control and/or through a member’s personal choice. In other words, SAICA is not able to consider concession applications for:

• Members who have intentionally chosen to work outside of the profession (thereby not earning an income from the profession)

• Members who have made a conscious choice to not earn an income as they have taken time out for travel/ study/ sabbatical

• Members who have chosen to take early retirement (SAICA’s default concessionary membership fee is not based on the member’s employment status but the reduced rate is only applicable to members over the age of 60 years old – no application is necessary as the discount will be applied when a member is over 60 years old when his/her annual subscription fee becomes due (membership fees are always due on first day of January each calendar year and payable upfront)

Declaration (Part E):

  • The information submitted by me, in respect of this concession application, is true and correct
  • I have read and understood information provided in this application form and the Membership Concession Policy
  • I understand that if my application is declined, I may not submit a resignation request thereafter without settling the full outstanding annual membership subscription fee (in respect of which, this application was made)
  • I understand that a resignation in good standing will be accepted provided I meet the requirement set out in clause 2.14 of SAICA’s Constitution available at
  • I understand that the Membership Concessions Committee’s decision is final and no further correspondence will be entered into once the Committee has made a decision on my application
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