Piet Nel is a CA (SA) who specializes in taxation.

Currently, he is the Project Director professional development (tax) at SAICA.  He previously was the project director for tax at SAICA for a period of three years.  Before joining SAICA again, he was involved in tax consulting and tax dispute resolution.  He is an accounting member of the Tax Court.

He is a visiting adjunct professor at Wits and was previously a lecturer in tax at the University of Pretoria and UNISA at postgraduate level.

He was a member of SAICA’s national tax committee and is still quite active in the development of tax legislation in South Africa by commenting on proposed legislation.

Over a period of more than three decades, he presented numerous tax seminars and workshops to tax practitioners.

He regularly speaks on radio and TV and publishes tax related articles.

He is involved, as a member of the SAICA’s Examination Committee, in setting the entrance examination for CA (SAs).