Stand out from the crowd. Become a SAICA AGA(SA)



Get yourself the distinguishing mark of accounting and financial excellence that sets you apart as a member of a leading and highly respected professional body, SAICA.  An AGA(SA) designation is a credible, recognised professional designation that equips you with the skills and technical competencies that enable you to enhance and measure organisational value. Thus, bridging operational and strategic management – ensuring success for you and the organisation that you serve.



AGAs(SA) play key managerial roles within diverse sectors of the economy. Professionals who hold this qualification have successfully completed a SAICA training contract or assessment to ensure they offer a strong set of technical accounting and financial skills required to navigate today’s complex and evolving business environment.
AGAs(SA) are technically-minded accountants, who have the ability to bridge operational and strategic management functions. Their expert ability to to drive accountancy and financial excellence in organisations enables them to deliver results and accelerate organisational financial performance.


SAICA provides a wide range of services to members and associates in order to assist them in playing a key role in the development of the changing South African global economy. These services include:


Technical advice on tax, accounting, auditing, financial services and legal advisory services, facilitation, and drafting of legislation and standards.

Member Engagement

Events and networking opportunities, and seminars and workshops, which can help you enhance your competencies while facilitating Continuing Professional Development (CPD) compliance.

Added Value

Products and services, including a variety of publications such as the SAICA Handbook, Accountancy SA and Integritax.

Government Lobbying

Professional Development

Developing and maintaining standards through Education, Training and CPD.

Transformation and Growth

Through growth in the pipeline, transformation of the profession and investment in Corporate Social Investment activities (such as the Hope Factory).


SAICA is widely recognised as one of the world’s leading accounting institutes, playing a significant role in the nation’s highly dynamic business sector and making a significant impact on the economic development of the country.

SAICA’s mission is to promote and create sustainable value for its members, associates and other stakeholders by:

[icon_timeline timeline_line_color=”#78afa6″ time_block_bg_color=”#78afa6″ time_sep_color=”#ffffff” time_sep_bg_color=”#78afa6″ tl_animation=”tl-animation-slide-down”][icon_timeline_feat time_title=”Delivering highly competent professionals relevant to the markets they serve.” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”][/icon_timeline_feat][icon_timeline_feat time_title=”Fostering ethics, integrity, sound governance and good citizenship at an individual and corporate level.” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”][/icon_timeline_feat][icon_timeline_feat time_title=”Providing support and learning to enable members to remain relevant and create value for their employers and clients.” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”][/icon_timeline_feat][icon_timeline_feat time_title=”Enhancing the quality of business information and reporting for the benefit of all stakeholders.” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”][/icon_timeline_feat][icon_timeline_feat time_title=”Assisting government to raise the quality of public services.” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”][/icon_timeline_feat][icon_timeline_feat time_title=”Working with sister organisations on the African continent to raise standards and provide support for business and governments” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”][/icon_timeline_feat][icon_timeline_feat time_title=”Working with international professional bodies and organisations to establish and maintain standards for the chartered accountancy profession and the global economy.” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”][/icon_timeline_feat][/icon_timeline]



International Federation of Accountants Council (IFAC)

SAICA is a full member of the International Federation of Accountants Council (IFAC). IFAC is a global organisation for the accountancy profession dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies.

More at www.saica.co.za


Global Accounting Alliance (GAA)

The GAA was established to promote quality services, share information and collaborate on important international issues, whilst operating in the interest of a quality accounting profession and the public interest. The GAA comprises of global member bodies. SAICA is a full member of the GAA and has mutual recognition agreements with 6 of the GAA member bodies.

More at www.saica.co.za


Pan-African Federation of Accountants (PAFA)

PAFA is a non-profit organisation that provides a forum for cooperation and assistance among African professional accountancy organisations for the further advancement of the status of the accountancy profession.


More at www.pafa.org.za 


Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this “FAQs” document is correct. Nevertheless, information is given purely as a guideline to assist with particular problems relating to the subject matter, and SAICA will have no responsibility to any person for any claim of any nature whatsoever that may arise out of, or relate to, the contents of this guide.

The information provided in this document does not constitute legal or career advice and should be read in that context.

Is the SAICA Code of Professional Conduct (Code) applicable to AGA(SA)s?

Yes, the Code is applicable to all SAICA members and associates. A contravention of, or failure to comply with, any requirements of the Code, may be regarded as an offence in terms of Section 34.10 of the SAICA By-laws and, as such, may be investigated and, if appropriate, the member/associate may be found guilty and may be liable for penalties as described in the By-laws.

An associate is defined in the Code as: “a person who has been admitted and registered as an associate general accountant

(AGA(SA)) with the Institute and, therefore, entitled to use the designation ‘Associate General Accountant’ or ‘Associate General Accountant (South Africa)’ or the initials ‘AGA(SA)’.”

Can an AGA(SA) compile financial statements for a company or close corporation?

There is no minimum requirement for the compilation of annual financial statements of a company/close corporation. The Companies Act, No. 71 of 2008 does require financial statements that are ‘independently compiled and reported’ to be compiled by an Independent Accounting Professional. An AGA(SA) does qualify to be an Independent Accounting Professional.*

*Reference: Companies Act–Regulation 26(1) Regulation 26(1)(d) states that an Independent Accounting Professional is defined as:

  • “a registered auditor in terms of the Auditing Profession Act, No. 26 of 2005 (“the APA”);
  • a member in good standing of a professional body that has been accredited in terms of S33 of the Auditing Profession Act; or
  • qualified to be appointed as an accounting officer of a close corporation in terms of S60(1), (2) and (4) of the Close Corporations Act, 1984.”

Can an AGA compile financial statements for any other entity such as schools/trusts/partnerships?

If there is no specific requirement/qualifications for the person to compile the annual financial statements, the AGA(SA) can compile annual financial statements.

Can an AGA perform an independent review in terms of the Companies Act, 2008 for companies?

Yes, an AGA(SA) can perform an independent review for companies with a Public Interest Score below 100.

Reference: Companies Act – Regulation 29(4) “An independent review of a company’s annual financial statements must be carried out

  1. in the case of a company whose public interest score for the particular financial year was at least 100 by –
    1. a registered auditor; or
    2. a member in good standing of a professional body that has been accredited in terms of S33 of the Auditing Profession Act; or
  2. in the case of a company whose public interest score for the particular financial year was less than 100 by –
    1. a person contemplated in (a) above; or
    2. a person who is qualified to be appointed as an accounting officer of a close corporation in terms of S60(1), (2) and (4) of the Close Corporations Act, 1984 (Act No. 69 of 1984).”

Can an AGA(SA) act as the accounting officer for a close corporation?

Yes, an AGA(SA) does qualify to act as the accounting officer of a close corporation. Reference: Close Corporations Act, No. 69 of 1984. In terms of Section 60 of the Close Corporations Act, CA(SA)s and AGA(SA)s are recognised as accounting officers and therefore AGA(SA)s can act as the accounting officer of a close corporation.

Can an AGA act as a Commissioner of Oaths?

An AGA(SA) can act as a Commissioner of Oaths due to the inclusion of the AGA in the Regulations to the Justice of the Peace and Commissioner of Oaths Act, No.16 of 1963.

Can an AGA(SA) act as the accounting officer of a school?

Reference: Schools Act, No. 84 of 1996 “43.(1) The governing body of a public school must appoint a person registered as an auditor in terms of the Auditing Profession Act, 2005 (Act No. 26 of 2005) to audit the records and financial statements referred to in Section 42. (2) If the audit referred to in Subsection (1) is not reasonably practicable, the governing body of a public school must appoint a person to examine and report on the records and financial statements referred to in Section 42, who

  1. is qualified to perform the duties of an accounting officer in terms of Section 60 of the Close Corporations Act, 1984 (Act No. 69 of 1984); or
  2. is approved by the Member of the Executive Council for this purpose.”

With regards to independent schools, the Schools Act, No. 84 of 1996 states that the Member of the Executive Council must by notice in the Provincial Gazette state the requirements for independent schools, and AGA(SA)s will have to refer to the various publications to identify the requirements.

Can an AGA(SA) act as the accounting officer for a body corporate in terms of the Sectional Titles Act, No. 95 of 1986?

Yes, the Prescribed Management Rules contained in Annexure 8 of the Regulations state that an accounting officer may in certain circumstances be appointed to sign the annual financial statements.*

*Reference: Sectional Titles Act, No. 95 of 1986, Annexure 8 – Prescribed Management Rules“40. Audit

At the first general meeting and thereafter at every ensuing annual general meeting, the body corporate shall appoint an Auditor to hold office from the conclusion of that meeting until the conclusion of the next annual general meeting. Provided that where a scheme comprises less than 10 units, an Accounting Officer
may be appointed for that purpose and the Auditor
or Accounting Officer, as the case may be, must sign the financial statements. [Rule 40 substituted by GN R2345/90 and GN R1109/2005]”

Can an AGA(SA) act as the accounting officer for a non-profit organisation in terms of the Non-Profit Organisations Act, No. 71 of 1997?

Yes, the Non-Profit Organisations Act, No. 71 of 1997 states that an accounting officer must compile a report as identified in the Act.*

*Reference: Non-Profit Organisations Act, No. 71 of 1997 “113. The Non-profit Organisations Act 71 of 1997 governs non-profit Organisations. In terms of Section 17(2) of the Act, every registered Non-Profit Organisation must arrange for a written report to be compiled by an accounting officer, as defined in the Close Corporations Act 1984, and for this report to be submitted to the organisation. The accounting officer must report on the matters mentioned in Section 17(2) of this Act.”

“114. Section 17(2)(c) requires the accounting officer to state whether or not the organisation has complied with the provisions of the Non-Profit Organisations.”

Can an AGA(SA) act as the accounting officer for any other entity where required?

Yes, if the legislation states that an accounting officer can compile certain reports or perform certain tasks, the AGA as a recognised Accounting Officer can compile the report/perform the tasks as listed. If the legislation/regulation require certain other qualifications, such as a Registered Auditor registered with the Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors or a CA(SA), then an AGA(SA) cannot perform the tasks required.

Can an AGA(SA) register as a Tax Practitioner in terms of the Tax Administration Act, No. 28 of 2011? If yes, what is the process to register?

An AGA(SA), as a member of SAICA, will be allowed to register as a tax practitioner, with SAICA as their Registered Controlling Body subject to the same entry criteria applicable to CA(SA) members. These annual criteria include:

  • Undertaking to and maintaining 15 hours tax CPD (60% verified), which record is maintained by member for at least five years;
  • Has no criminal conviction for a dishonesty crime (theft, fraud etc.) or offence in the last five years;
  • Has not been removed as member from another RCB for serious misconduct in the last five years;
  • Is compliant in all his/her tax affairs (as of date of application/renewal, but we will take a position as to non-compliance thereafter if reported by SARS).