This page includes both local and international information related to the implications of COVID-19 on the accounting profession, preparers and users.
For all other IFRS related support, please refer to the Financial Reporting webpage.
SAICA Educational Material
COVID-19 – Leases accounting considerations – Useful guidance
Audit Firms
Title | Date |
Going concern Events after the reporting period Disclosures Financial Instruments |
April 2020 | |
COVID-19 | Financial reporting – resource centre – FAQs | Various topics on COVID-19 Impact on Financial reporting | March 2020 |
Non-financial assets Financial Instruments Leases
Revenue recognition Non-financial obligations Going concern disclosures Interim financial statements |
March 2020 | |
IFRS in Focus — Expected credit loss accounting considerations related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 | IFRS 9 – Expected Credit loss accounting | March 2020 |
Reporting the impact of COVID-19 on your business – 10 Key questions for CFOs | Ten questions that CFOs should be ask to ensure that the financial statements fairly reflect the impact of COVID-19 | April 2020 |
Reporting the impact of COVID-19 on your business | Assessing the financial impact and required disclosures | April 2020 |
IFRS in Focus — Accounting considerations related to Coronavirus disease 2019 | Various topics on COVID-19 Impact on Financial reporting | March 2020 |
Accounting considerations of the coronavirus outbreak
Various topics on COVID-19 Impact on Financial reporting |
March 2020
Updated June 2020 |
Various topics on COVID-19 Impact on Financial reporting |
March 2020 |
Accounting implications of the effects of coronavirus | Various topics on COVID-19 Impact on Financial reporting |
March 2020 |
IFRS in Focus — Expected credit loss accounting considerations related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 | IFRS 9 – Expected Credit loss accounting | March 2020 |
Reporting the impact of COVID-19 on your business – 10 Key questions for CFOs | Ten questions that CFOs should be ask to ensure that the financial statements fairly reflect the impact of COVID-19 |
April 2020 |
Reporting the impact of COVID-19 on your business | Assessing the financial impact and required disclosures | April 2020 |
Other International Organisations – Accountancy Europe, Institute of Chartered The International Accounting Standards Board and IFRS Foundation
Due Process Oversight Committee—meeting report now available | Shortening of comment periods in light of COVID-19 | April 2020 |
IASB amends work plan and proposes amendment to IFRS 16 | IFRS 16 –Leases | April 2020 |
IASB to discuss timeline reconsiderations and possible amendment to IFRS 16 due to covid-19 | Timelines on IFRS projects and possible amendments to IFRS 16 – Leases | April 2020 |
Application of IFRS 16 in the light of the covid-19 uncertainty |
IFRS 16 – Leases
Responding to questions regarding the application of IFRS 16 to rent concessions granted as a result of the covid-19 pandemic. |
April 2020 |
IFRS 9 and covid-19 | IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments | March 2020 |
International Federation of Accountants (IFAC)
Global Messaging to Help Inform Professional Accountancy Organizations (PAO) Conversations with Key Stakeholders related to COVID-19
Financial Reporting and Audit Implications | June 2020 |
Events after the reporting period
Impairment of non-financial assets IFRS 13 – Fair Value Measurements IFRS 9 Financial Instruments IFRS 15 – Revenue from Contracts with Customers Going Concern |
April 2020 |
Local Regulators – JSE and Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA)
Potential impact of COVID-19 on financial reporting | JSE financial reporting requirements | March 2020 |
Item 14 – CEO & Financial Director
Confirmation: The provisions dealing with the CEO and financial director sign-off. Applies to issuers with a yearend on or after 31 December 2020 |
March 2020 |
Letter: COVID-19: EXTENSION OF FINANCIAL REPORTING | JSE financial reporting requirements | April 2020 |
IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON COMPLIANCE WITH VARIOUS REQUIREMENTS OF THE FINANCIAL MARKETS ACT, 2012, (ACT NO. 19 OF 2012) (“FMA”) | JSE financial reporting requirements | April 2020 |
JSE – Reflecting on the impact of Covid-19 on financial results | JSE – COVID-19: Reflecting the impact of COVID-19 on financial results | May 2020 |
Potential impact of COVID-19 on financial reporting | JSE financial reporting requirements | March 2020 |
Item 14 – CEO & Financial Director
Confirmation: The provisions dealing with the CEO and financial director sign-off. Applies to issuers with a yearend on or after 31 December 2020 |
March 2020 |
JSE letter: Extension of Financial Reporting | Covid-19 Extension of Financial Reporting | 1 June 2020 |
FSCA Communication | Impact of Covid-19 on compliance with requirements of the Financial Markets Act | 29 May 2020 |
Other International Organisations – Accountancy Europe, Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW) and The International Organization of Securities Commissions
Coronavirus crisis resources – banks | IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments | April 2020 |
ICAEW Guide: The Financial Reporting Implications of Coronavirus Under UK GAAP | Going Concern
Events after the reporting period |
March 2020 |
IOSCO Statement on Application of Accounting Standards during the COVID-19 Outbreak | Statement on Application of Accounting Standards during the COVID-19 Outbreak | April 2020 |
Coronavirus crisis resources – banks | IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments | April 2020 |
COVID-19 – Resources, action,
the future – Reporting in times of uncertainty – June 2020 – UK Financial Reporting Council |
Disclosures | June 2020 |
COVID-19 – Going concern,
risk and viability – UK Financial Reporting Council |
Going concern and disclosures | June 2020 |
Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW) and The International Organization of Securities Commissions
Coronavirus crisis resources – banks | IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments | April 2020 |
ICAEW Guide: The Financial Reporting Implications of Coronavirus Under UK GAAP | Going ConcernEvents after the reporting period | March 2020 |
IOSCO Statement on Application of Accounting Standards during the COVID-19 Outbreak | Statement on Application of Accounting Standards during the COVID-19 Outbreak | April 2020 |
Coronavirus crisis resources – banks | IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments | April 2020 |
COVID-19 – Resources, action,the future – Reporting in times of uncertainty – June 2020 – UK Financial Reporting Council | Disclosures | June 2020 |
COVID-19 – Going concern,risk and viability – UK Financial Reporting Council | Going concern and disclosures | June 2020 |
COVID-19 implications for financial reporting and audit: Frequently asked questions (FAQs) – Australian Securities and Investments Commission | Financial reports and directors’ reports Solvency statements Reporting deadlines and annual general meetings (AGMs) Other audit-related matters |