Tuesday night (2 April) saw the launch of Finance & Business2030, a key sustainability programme bringing leaders in the city together to help implement the UN Sustainable Development goals. Finance professionals from various sectors came together to develop a plan of action for the community focused on how best to achieve the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) by 2030. The event was hosted by One Young World, Chartered Accountants Worldwide and the City of London Corporation.
The Finance & Business2030 event was the first milestone in this initiative to bring city expertise to bear in developing sustainable solutions for the achievement of the SDGs by 2030. The steering group has identified objectives that will enable the business community to make meaningful contributions towards shaping a more inclusive and sustainable future.
Keynote speaker, Peter Estlin, Lord Mayor of the City of London, said: “Achieving the 2030 SGDs has to be a global priority. The finance and business community here in the City are uniquely positioned to play a crucial role in accomplishing this. Now, more than ever, we need innovative ideas that draw on the expertise of UK business, so it is essential that we can come together.
“I am therefore delighted that events such as this are delivering a platform for bright young professionals from various sectors to unite and exchange ideas. My mayoral agenda, Shaping Tomorrow’s City Today, aims to establish a sustainable plan for how the finance and business community can capitalise on opportunities and embed new technologies for the benefit of business and civil society. Implementing the plan will demand a continuous commitment and dedication of the various stakeholders involved – and yesterday’s event was definitely an important step towards collective advancement.”
Michael Izza, CAW Chairman said “The finance and business community touches every part of society in every country in the world. The United Nations has set sustainability goals to be reached by 2030. It is our duty to find ways that our community can achieve those goals. That’s why we have joined with One Young World and The City of London Corporation to launch Finance & Business 2030 to find bring together our young leaders to find a collaborative way to tackle and fulfil our role in achieving those goals”.
Kate Robertson, Co-Founder OYW said “The inaugural meeting for FinBiz2030 is potentially the start of one of the best things the OYW community has done. We had representation from all the major UK banks, firms of accountants and businesses large and small with international delegates working across a whole range of sectors. This coming together of the brightest talent from across finance and business can only be the start of a powerful group of young leaders who will have the ability to affect policy both in government and in their workplaces. I thought it was a brilliantly organised event that showed both from the City of London and Chartered Accountants Worldwide how much they value this young talent, how much they respect it and how much they expect from it”.