Building an influential career presence as a CA(SA)
As chartered accountants, we are often pigeonholed as the ‘bean counter’ or ‘numbers person’. Throughout my career, I’ve aimed to prove this to be the contrary. The training and development that a CA(SA) undergoes equip us as holistic business professionals to go beyond the usual stereotype attached to a number cruncher.
It is the long hours, perseverance and character development one undergoes in becoming a CA that set us up firmly for positions of influence and leadership.
I thus began early on in my career to devise a set of principles to guide me through my journey of professional actualisation. These principles remain a work in progress, but I believe would help fellow CAs who are looking to become individuals of influence.
The five principles so far are:
- Align your core values and purpose to the goal you aim to achieve.
- Seek to realise shared outcomes for yourself and others.
- Become an expert in your area of specialisation.
- Build a CA(SA) brand unique to you.
- Be prepared to express your thoughts and opinions.
Alignment of core values and purpose to goals
Connect your main values, purpose and life principles to your goals. In doing so, you will ensure you make informed decisions that prioritise the ‘why’ behind what you do.
Shared outcomes
Realise that your career is of service to society. As your decision-making capability evolves, your ability to deal with complexity and uncertainty across socioeconomic, geopolitical, environmental and technological change for the benefit of others will set you apart from your peers.
Be known as an expert
Invest time in establishing a dependable understanding of your area of expertise through ongoing learning, unlearning and relearning. Take advantage of the latest trends but know that individuals who shape industries over the long term do so by remaining ever-curious, life-long learners.
Unique CA(SA) brand
Promotion and marketing is becoming increasingly important as CAs in an age where our qualification competes with other prominent professions in the business world. To advance in our careers, we are now required to manage our professional image and market our unique experiences and skills online and in person. Over time I’m learning that the key to a memorable professional brand emphasises my unique personality strengths backed by a powerful message offering a demonstrable way of how I can solve the problem of my target audience.
Professional thought and opinion expression
Be brave enough to share your thoughts on matters relating to your field: this will establish you as a thought leader and influencer in your chosen industry. Share your work online and regularly engage leading colleagues in your sector.
I’m learning that becoming influential in our career requires us to be trustworthy, likeable and empathetic. I’ve often chased career achievements over my human experience in relation to others, society and the environment. Amidst the competing qualifications, the advent of AI and the shifting energy economy, I’m realising that what will continue to position us leaders in society is our ability to be compassionate, ethical, authentic and conscious in how we show up in the world.