Special Feature: Budget

2013/14 Budget what it offers small businesses SAICA’s proposals are well-received by SARS, which promises benefits for small businesses. The budget process for 2013 commenced late in 2012 when a call was made to interested parties to send in proposals for changes to the Tax Acts. As in previous years, SAICA got actively involved and…

Cover Story: Let’s get technical

A department headed up by a highly energetic and proactive team stands a great chance of being effective. As a hive of activity, the Standards Department of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) is the technical engine room for the whole organisation and all its members. Its prime objective – to influence legislation…

QEII Results: The cream of the QEII 2012 crop

The cream of the QEII 2012 crop Keren Swanson, Allan Gray, trainee. Why you chose the CA(SA) route? I always wanted to be in the corporate sphere. There are few other degrees that come close to the opportunities that present themselves once you obtain your CA(SA) designation. Many business leaders are CAs(SA) and one immediately…

March 2013

Nobody can predict the future – but we can create it. Think back a few months and consider what has happened in the world and in our country – in your own life and work – that defied all expectations. To name but a few: • The top construction industry leaders illegally fixed multi-billion state…

UP-TO-DATE: Sustainability website

Sustainability website It is indeed true that with time comes maturity. For instance, take a look at financial reporting by companies. It started out as simple book-keeping and has progressed to financial accounting using globally accepted standards that enable users to comfortably compare one company to another. Sustainability reporting was the next big move, with…


The emerging economies are set to grow much faster than the G7 countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, the US and Canada) over the next four decades, according to a report released by PwC. Figures for average growth in GDP in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP) show Nigeria leading the way over the…