‘Goodness is about character – integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage, and the like. More than anything else, it is about how we treat other people’ – Dennis Prager
Let’s define ethics
Ethics are knowable, yet because ethical situations involve two or more entities and happen across time, there are many aspects to consider when judging ethical activities.
A simple definition of ethics is the moral principles that govern a person’s behaviour or conducting an activity. It is also defined as a branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles.
The importance of ethics in OUR business and personal liVES is equal
Business executives play a special role in determining the ethical climate of their companies, which has an impact on their larger communities as well. When there is no threat of negative consequences, people can voice their concerns, ask for assistance, criticise decisions, and question authority. It is reflected in how secure people feel mentally, which is vital for employee wellbeing.
From our personal lives to our professional careers and beyond, ethics have an impact on the decisions and actions we take. We are all a part of a global community that is connected. No matter how big or small, our efforts for the common good can have a significant effect. Living ethically will guarantee that our influence is for the better.
Business leaders have a special chance to establish and shape the ethical culture within their organisations and among their stakeholders. You will be able to respond to events more ethically if you ensure that ethics are incorporated into your business attitude. Leading by example is a wonderful place to start if you would like to develop an ethical culture in your company.
When there are competing interests, peer pressure can make it more difficult for people to behave appropriately. Pressures at work could lead us to act contrary to our moral principles. Our resolve to act morally may be threatened by pressure from a superior. Choices are at the heart of ethics. We are continually faced with decisions that have an impact on how we live. We are conscious that the decisions we take have an impact on both ourselves and other people. We need to be conscious of our accountability for our deeds.
What is mental wellness?
Mental wellness is a condition of health in which a person is aware of his or her own capabilities, able to handle typical life stresses, capable of productive and profitable employment, and able to give back to the community. It is crucial to note that the term makes no mention of happiness. Additionally, it is not described as being free from mental illness. Instead, being mentally healthy or well, implies that you can manage the stress that life brings your way, be it something as straightforward as a work project or as difficult as a relational breakup.
The role of mental wellness and the synergy between wellness and ethics
Positive, self-assured and joyful people have good mental health. They have control over their thoughts, feelings and actions. They can manage difficulties, forge solid connections, and enjoy life because of this.
Ethics can be thought of as the rules that direct our behaviour so that we make the best decisions for the benefit of everybody. To tell the truth, maintain our word, or assist a stranger in need, we must follow ethical principles. However, our ability to make ethically empowered decisions is sometimes largely based on our feelings and mental health. We can therefore see that there is a link between good mental health and ethically empowered decision-making.
Said Albert Einstein: ‘The most important human endeavour is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life.’
Against the backdrop of Einstein’s quote, we can conclude that inner balance, whether at work or in our personal lives, is linked to our own moral code and value system. We can also see that mental wellness is a vital instrument in giving individuals the ability to make good decisions.
Everyday decisions we make are guided by an ethical framework that helps us avoid unjust results and helps us make decisions that have good effects on the world. Through our decisions, ethics teaches us how to improve our sphere of influence, our businesses, and the world.
In this month’s spotlight, we are highlighting Ndzumo Consulting
Ndumzo is an accounting firm established in 2017. They provide management accounts and financial statement services to their clients. ‘We strive to assist small businesses with all their bookkeeping, payroll, and tax needs with excellent service,’ says owner Pamella Ndzumo. Ndzumo Consulting is a SARS-registered tax practitioner as well as a SAICA-registered accounting firm.
For more information, see their website: https://ndzumoconsulting.com/.
Nicolette Liberty, Human Resources at SAICA ED