In the heart of Ga-Kgapane, a small township in Limpopo, Mametse Mokanse’s journey unfolded against the familial backdrop of a hardware store. She was raised in a family of seven and her parents, both educators, instilled early values of diligence and the pursuit of education. Little did they know that these humble beginnings would lay the foundation for a transformative career in chartered accountancy.
CA(SA): A catalyst for professional evolution
A pivotal moment for Mametse was during her Grade 11, when a Thuthuka bursary advertisement caught her eye. Despite a limited understanding of the CA profession, she seized the opportunity and found herself at the University of Johannesburg for a life-altering bursary interview. With unwavering parental support, emphasising the significance of education, the journey into the intricate world of CA began.
Becoming a CA(SA) proved to be a transformative experience, particularly in the realm of technical accounting. This specialisation not only exposed her to diverse and intricate transactions but also positioned her as a key contributor to solutions during economically challenging periods. A poignant example was her involvement in navigating the complexities of the government’s COVID-19 Loan Guarantee Scheme, illustrating the profound impact a CA(SA) can have on societal challenges.
Paying it forward: Making a mark in the industry
Opting for the path of a technical accountant, her journey emphasized the importance of perpetual learning and networking. Beyond personal growth, mentoring aspiring CAs and coaching colleagues became an intrinsic part of her professional identity. Actively imparting knowledge and fostering collaboration to contribute to the collective growth of the industry.
Climbing the corporate ladder: A journey of learning and adaptation
Currently serving as the Finance Executive for IFRS Advisory at Nedbank Group, Mametse’s career trajectory encountered unexpected turns. The decision to stay in the technical accounting division post-articles proved pivotal, leading to specialisation in the financial services industry. Climbing the corporate ladder demanded resilience, a commitment to learning, and an understanding that every experience contributes to one’s professional journey. Reflecting on her career, she recognised that being a CA(SA) is the best career decision she has made. It has not only allowed her to realise her dreams but also provided opportunities beyond her initial aspirations
Guidance for emerging CAs: Balancing act and strategic planning
Navigating the demanding landscape of a CA(SA) career requires a delicate balance between work and personal life. Shifting away from the conventional notion of work/life balance, she found that strategically allocating intense work periods and ensuring quality family time during less hectic phases proved to be a sustainable approach. Clear communication with one’s support system, including a spouse, a daughter’s aunties, and a helper, played a pivotal role in effectively navigating challenges.
Overcoming challenges: A journey of determination
The CA(SA) journey is not without challenges, from rigorous study hours to explaining absences during family functions. The tenacity to overcome obstacles, coupled with having a mentor, proved instrumental. Mentorship provided invaluable insights, guiding her through uncharted territories and offering a compass during moments of uncertainty.
From humble beginnings in Ga-Kgapane to steering financial strategies at Nedbank Group, her CA(SA) journey has been marked by resilience, continuous learning, and unwavering support from family and mentors. To aspiring CAs, the advice extends to embracing challenges, actively seeking knowledge, and recognising that the journey itself is as transformative as the destination. Chartered accountancy is more than a career; it’s an odyssey that shapes individuals and leaves an indelible mark on the fabric of businesses and economies. As the Finance Executive for IFRS Advisory, Mametse finds fulfilment not just in the numbers but in the journey that brought her from a hardware store in Ga-Kgapane to the boardrooms of corporate leadership. This narrative encapsulates not only her personal journey but serves as a testament to the potential and impact of a career in chartered accountancy.
Sharon Manzini, Digital Content and Publishing Intern at SAICA