Own yours
Mahatma Gandhi once said: ‘I want freedom for the full expression of my personality.’
Over the last 12 months I’ve been blessed to have experienced freedom like never before. In Sweden, I was introduced to their ‘right of public access’ to roam the beautiful countryside without restriction. Then, during our December holiday, I experienced the spacious fenceless freedom of the Wild Coast hills. And we started camping, which opened a whole new world. What I’ve discovered is that these places give me ‘freedom’ like I’ve never experienced. Is this what I am chasing?
What is personal freedom really?
The human soul only longs for two things – to be its true self and chase its dreams without social oppression or internal fears.
When you’re free from these things, you have the ability to express who you are and pursue what you deeply desire without restrictions set by others or yourself.
Why does your heart yawn for freedom?
Because freedom is bound to the human desire for ascension – your natural drive to rise above your circumstances and achieve your goals, potential and highest self.
Seeking personal freedom starts early in your life. As a child, you wanted to do your own thing your way. As you age, the impulse becomes more powerful. But the seeking and fulfilling is interrupted by the oppressions.
Are you free from your oppressions?
Are your aims your own or the aims of others (parents, spouses, teachers)? Choosing and committing to your desires and seeking them with everything you have create a sense of vitality and motivation in life. The only things that derail your efforts are these fears and oppressions.
Your biggest source of oppression is yourself.
Through personal growth, you will find trust and confidence in yourself, and you can triumph over these challenges. You will discover and learn by being more true to yourself, the more you connect with and contribute to the world.
Freedom requires responsibility and guts to choose who you are above everything and to stay true to that and your own path.
The ultimate disaster would be for you not to live a life that is your own. So be brave and you will be free.
Author: Stanford Payne CA(SA) is an ICF-accredited executive and business coach