July 2009

FROM THE PEN Generation Y breaks from the herd It is widely acknowledged that generation Y is making huge waves professionally. It is the most abundant generation since the baby boomers, who were conceived directly after the second world war. The generation Y constituents are known to be techno savvy, career-minded, confident, motivated, outspoken, innovative…

SPECIAL REPORT: Maths and science success

Four years ago, SAICA was determined to boost the throughput of desperately needed African chartered accountants [CAs(SA)]. As a result, the Institute formed the Thuthuka Maths and Science Development Camps, to address the issue of literacy and numeracy at secondary school level. Provincial development camps represent an important component of the Thuthuka programme. The Human…

SPECIAL REPORT: Dramatic increase in black CAs(SA)

… and the pipeline continues to expand Statistics released by SAICA in late April revealed a dramatic improvement in the accounting profession’s gender and racial demographics. Chantyl Mulder, SAICA’s senior executive for transformation and growth, attributes this to the Institute and the profession’s determined efforts to fast-track the number of black and female chartered accountants…

WIK EN WEEG: Ekonomiese herstel eersdags in sig

Dit is miskien nie vir almal vanselfsprekend om op ekonomiese herstel te begin sinspeel, wanneer die ekonomie duidelik in die diepste deel van sy huidige sikliese trog verkeer nie. Tog waarborg die aard van hierdie sikliese afswaai, en die enorme beleidsaksies, veral oorsee, dat daar wel ’n opswaai kom.Ons plaaslike ekonomiese nuus in onlangse maande…


‘Round-tripping’ between the draft version and the enacted version – part 2 In the first part of this two-part article (ASA April 2009) the meaning of the phrase ‘a misuse or abuse of the provisions’ contained in the enacted version of section 80A(c)(ii) of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962, as amended (the Act)…


During the past several months, the Global Economy has suffered a significant decline. Companies are falling like ninepins. Lehman Brothers is in administration. Northern Rock, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have been bailed out and the list of vulnerable banks is growing. Bear Stearns and Merrill Lynch have been sold at knockdown prices and HBOS…