2016 has certainly started with a huge bang: our currency hitting records lows, political uncertainty, terror attacks and serious conflict among the beautiful people of our homeland.
Forecasts worldwide are pointing towards a very challenging 2016. What does it mean for you personally? In what way will it affect your career? What impact will it have on your business?
This reminds me of the Wolfgang Petersen movie The Perfect Storm starring George Clooney, which is based on true events. In short, a commercial fishing boat from Gloucester, Massachusetts, working the waters of the North Atlantic, returns home after a bad catch. Distressed about survival, their captain convinces all crew to head out and make up for their loss before season closes.
They decide to fish further than usual, as fishing is poor. Unfortunately their ice machine breaks and they are forced to head home to sell what they have. But a monster of a storm is building. The crew decides to face the storm. After continuous warnings from other ships, they loose their antenna and all communication is lost. No one survives.
One can only imagine how hard this must have been as a crew member. First there is the fact that without facing the ocean for another catch, they might not survive the winter. Then they have to face new waters with new challenges. Then comes the tough decision to head home through the storm. Then all communication is lost.
What might have happened with the crew had they had more information about the storm? What if they had continuous communication with a rescue ship?
Lots of ifs with no real answers ever, but if you were to view 2016 with all the unknown challenges that are guaranteed to come your way in the same way – what would you be doing right now to be best prepared for this storm?
Think about your business? Your career? Your personal finances, maybe?
There is an old saying that goes ‘prevention is better than cure’. Be prepared for 2016 and the challenges that are heading your way and don’t find yourself needing to cure whilst in your storm. Be your own storm-owner and sail your ocean!
Author: Stanford Payne CA(SA) is an ICF-accredited executive and business coach