‘Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.’ What a profound and inspiring quote by Jack Canfield!
Presenting vision board workshops as part of our wellness programmes to corporate teams is certainly one of my favourite topics. Surprisingly, very few people have a clear vision and action plan for their lives. If you ask them whether they are happy and content with their lives, the answer is a clear ‘no’: ‘it is ok’ or ‘not really’.
If you are repeatedly doing the same thing, you cannot expect a different result. You owe it to yourself to honestly admit if something is not working for you and then change it. Making decisions that will take you out of your comfort zone is tough, but often the life of your dreams lies on the opposite side of your comfort zone.
Personally, I have plenty of dreams and a bigger vision for my life. Hence I named my foundation the ‘Ronel Jooste Dream Foundation’ where I help people to start dreaming again and realising their dreams through financial education and entrepreneurship. During 2023 I completed a Property Development and Investment course through UCT. I am also busy obtaining my international accreditation as a NeuroLife executive business and leadership coach. It might sound odd, being a chartered accountant, but if you understand the bigger vision for my life, you will understand that these are all small action steps taken towards achieving that vision.
In November 2023 I deliberately took a week off, spending it at the ocean where I can reflect on my vision and goals for 2024. I used my morning runs on the promenade to be grateful for all the blessings and achievements during 2023. I used the quiet time during the day to reflect on my current life. With only the sound of the waves in my ears, I reviewed my previous vision board and adjusted it where necessary. The road trips with my partner during the weekends assisted me in painting a clear picture of what I want more of in my life and what I want less of. I could make tough decisions and compile an action plan for 2024 that is aligned with my bigger vision. Now it is all about implementation …
I hope sharing my real-life story can help you to also set a clear vision and action plan for 2024. I wish you lots of success implementing your action plan and realising the vision you have for your life.
In brief
Before we know it, it will be 2024. A new year, new beginnings, new hope, new dreams, and new goals. Are you somebody who makes New Year’s resolutions, but it is all forgotten by February? Do you spend time writing down your goals? Are you spending time at the end of the year reflecting on what you have achieved and what you haven’t achieved? Do you have a clear vision for your life? Are you actively taking action to realise the vision you have for your life?