Feature: Why accountants are taking up coding − and why you should too

There is still some uncertainty regarding the need or importance of coding, specifically for accountancy professionals. Are we all becoming programmers or has coding become a basic skill we need to now have? Chartered accountants and associate general accountants are rethinking their skills, behaviours, competencies and mindset as they continue to reflect in line with…

Feature: Whistleblowing and ethics

The accounting profession is currently facing significant pressure both locally and internationally, mainly due to corporate failures, alleged governance failures and alleged audit failures, all of which have had a paramount impact on the economy. In a panel discussion earlier this year, which was hosted by Milton Segal CA(SA), SAICA’s senior executive for corporate reporting…

Feature: Exposing the truth

The former spokesperson and CEO of the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS), Themba Maseko, is part of the list of whistleblowers who came forward to expose the misdeeds of state capture. Themba Maseko, Former CEO of the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) Themba is one of the few who accepted his responsibility, had…

Global race to net zero by 2050 is accelerating – will Africa realise a just transition or become a stranded asset? PwC Africa Energy review

With an acceleration of the global net-zero journey, there is increasing focus on developing countries and their lack of affordability to meet such net-zero targets. A clear contrast is evident when considering Africa; as home to 17% of the global population, producing less than 5% of global annual emissions and accounting for only 3% of…