There are three systems that work together to create your voice. In order to improve the overall sound of your voice, you first need to know how these three systems come together.
- System #1: Respiratory system − Breath is the ‘fuel’ or power behind your voice production. When you want to speak, you inhale and then start speaking on the exhale. It is this flow of air moving up to the windpipe and through the voice box that starts and keeps the vocal folds vibrating until you stop talking or run out of breath.
- System #2: Phonation − Vocal folds are two small muscles that have a moist covering within the larynx. When you breathe, the vocal folds open to allow air to flow from your upper airway into your trachea and lungs. When you want to speak, you close your vocal folds and begin to exhale, causing an increase in pressure that starts them vibrating. This vibration – or buzzing sound – is not yet your voice. You still need system 3 to create the human voice as you know it.
System #3: Resonance − This is the shaping and amplification of the sound waves. Once these sound waves reach your mouth, you use your lips, teeth and tongue to shape the sound (articulation) into speech.
Why are these three systems important?
These three vocal sub-systems share the ‘work’ of voice production. Stress, anxiety and poor breathing results in your voice sounding ‘crackly’ or ‘tight and constrained’. Focus on being a selfless speaker. Remember that it is a privilege to speak. This thought should help you to control your stress and anxiety about speaking.
Lack of hydration and/or sustenance in the form of food impacts your vocal folds. As you speak, you can experience a ‘dry throat’, which negatively impacts your voice. Eat energy sustaining meals before your talk and drink room temperature still water at least two hours before your talk to hydrate your vocal cords.
Physical conditions like colds, flu and sinusitis directly affects resonance. Your voice should sound clear and smooth. Your mood and your emotion are also reflected in how you speak, and this directly impacts the sound of your voice. Manage your colds, flu and sinusitis. Carry your own herbal or other treatment with you to ensure that your nasal passages are clear to speak.
Focusing on your anxiety will only make you more anxious. Remember that you will mentally attract the audience you are ready to handle. Give yourself some credit and be kind to yourself. Shift your focus to the important of your message to the audience and the difference you can make. It will help to uplift your emotion before you speak.
Resonance is the all-encompassing measure of how your voice sounds. Your voice could be described as ‘strong’ or ‘rich’ or ‘robust’. But how can you improve your resonance?
- Use breathing techniques to control your breath. Use the 7x7x7x7 method to control your breathing. Breathe in to the count of 7. Hold your breath for the count of 7. Breathe out to the count of 7. Repeat this process 7 times.
- Drink warm herbal teas to relax your vocal cords. Avoid coffee as it dehydrates you.
- Warm up your voice before you speak by speaking to others before you talk.
- Smile and relax – you got this!