June 2021 Issue

CAs(SA) AS DIFFERENCE MAKERS When you think of a difference maker, it would be someone that has an impact on others’ lives. Some would say that we were all created to make a difference, so we all see ourselves as difference makers. SAICA recently launched its ‘difference maker’ concept in alignment with Chartered Accountants Worldwide’s…

May 2021 Issue

SEIZING TOMORROW TODAY May is an important month − it almost marks the middle of the year, and we all are taking stock of the first part of the year, probably wondering what happened to the past four months. As professionals managing change in these uncertain times, it is important to reflect and see how…

April 2021 Issue

The next normal A little bit more than a year ago our lives changes forever when our country went into full lockdown. People were talking about the ‘new normal’, while everyone was unsure what exactly that would entail. Fast forward to today, and there is still uncertainty about what is in store for us. In…

March 2021 Issue

‘When nothing is sure, everything is possible.’ This is such a powerful quote from novelist Margaret Drabble. In an article in Psychologies about how to find peace in unpredictable times, the author suggests: ‘Place your hands on your heart, breathe deeply and tune into a dream for yourself, your loved ones, your community and the…

Feb 2021 Issue

Leading in times of uncertainty Today, uncertainty is everywhere. We have all heard anecdotes about some of the world’s most valuable companies … the world’s largest taxi company, Uber, owns no cars, the world’s largest accommodation provider, Airbnb, owns no property, and so on. But even for them, times are uncertain. Because people did not…

October 2020 Issue

A critical juncture There is an increased focus on ethical behaviour in business and a realisation that regulations and compliance to regulation (as vital as it may be) simply are not enough to ensure a sustained ethical behaviour in an organisation. As ethical leaders, every decision that is made by you have an impact and…

August 2020 Issue

Transformational leadership As we celebrate women this month we have dedicated this issue to inspirational women who are not only wonderful leaders, but who also are actively involved in projects to make the world a better place. We show you women who have challenged, questioned and propelled themselves forward in an environment where people haven’t…