July 2013

In recent months numerous high profile ethical failures have featured in the media. It is “normal” for frustrated readers to question where accountability lies for the rampant damage that large-scale unethical behavior impacts on society. Many eyes turned toward our leaders, from the heads of government to CEOs of corporates. Universal demand for ethical leadership…

June 2013

Some say that these are three attributes that a great leader must demonstrate. Motive is the reason why you chose the role you have. Passion is what makes you laugh and what makes you cry … or occasionally angry. Spontaneity is the ability to answer a question you haven’t heard before. The quality of executive…

May 2013

This month ASA focuses on investment. When planning this editorial, Warren Buffett came first to mind– which is why I’m sharing this story about him written by Evan Carmichael. Buffett started his investment business in 1956 when “seven people wanted me to invest their money for them.” Although he admits not having a strategy at…

April 2013

“What is my legacy?” This is not just ‘a’ question; is it not THE question? It goes to the very heart of human existence. It is an emotional summing up for many and a reminder of our own mortality. The answer may be simpler than most realise. After all is said and done, your legacy…

March 2013

Nobody can predict the future – but we can create it. Think back a few months and consider what has happened in the world and in our country – in your own life and work – that defied all expectations. To name but a few: • The top construction industry leaders illegally fixed multi-billion state…


A personal touch EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO LIVE A STYLISH LIFE. For your next trip to Durban opt to stay at the St James on Venice Luxury Boutique Hotel. There is an old proverb that says ‘it is a sin against hospitality to open your doors and darken your countenance’. And nowhere is this taken…

February 2013

Do recent socio-political and economic developments in South Africa suggest that, even though we’ve made some progress since achieving democracy in 1994, we’re actually going backwards? This is the question asked by The Economist, in its ‘Over the rainbow’ article (20 October 2012 edition). “On 26 June 1955 around 3000 people gathered in a dusty…

December 2012/January 2013

Learn from change As a year ends and another begins, this issue is all about…change! Most people hide from change, rather than embrace it. Some view it as an obstacle – yet is it not a door opening to unseen opportunities? But managing change in today’s workplace is what keeps people relevant. To be responsible…

November 2012

Your company culture – Is it at risk of fraud? Most accountants and auditors know the ‘fraud triangle’: the combination of incentive, opportunity and rationalisation that creates a risk that an employee will attempt to defraud their company. But the fraud triangle alone isn’t enough. In the wake of Enron and other high-profile corporate disasters…

October 2012

Evolution of technology Can you believe that it is almost 70 years ago that Thomas Watson (IBM Chairman, 1943) said he thinks that there’s a world market for maybe five computers? And boy – was he wrong. By the end of 2011 there were more than 2,267 billion Internet users worldwide, and these numbers leap…