December 2009

FROM THE PEN In a recent report in The Times (UK), scientists claim that the often exaggerated and inaccurate claims about the threat from global warming actually risk undermining efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions and contain climate change. They go on to say that environmental lobbyists, politicians, researchers and journalists that distort climate science…

November 2009

FROM THE PEN Mergers and acquisitions We’ve commented, almost ad nausean, about the global financial crisis. We’ve highlighted what we think went wrong, what the profession needs to do to combat the effects of the crisis, and we’ve alluded to the potential opportunities that exist within our new economic reality. We’ve said that governments, the…

October 2009

FROM THE PEN Have You Heard? If you are, as I am, somewhat challenged by the wonders of new science and technological advances, then South Africa’s launch of the low-orbit microsatellite, SumbandilaSat, is sure to intrigue even the most hardened non-scientific being. We are all aware of the impact climate change has had on our…

September 2009

FROM THE PEN Against All Odds What an amazing country we live in. We might not always have thought this but, even in our darkest periods, South African men and women, against all odds, have blazoned on and made indelible marks on society, nationally and worldwide. Our political and economic triumphs are well known, and…

SAICA NEWS: SAICA Youth Marketing Campaign 2009

Addressing the shortage of CA(SA) skills in South Africa. One of the key strategic marketing objectives of SAICA for 2009 has been to increase the number of first year students presenting themselves at university to study BCom Accountancy with a view to becoming prospective CAs(SA). Communication Challenge The business challenge inherent in achieving this objective…

August 2009

FROM THE PEN BEE all you can BEE I’m sure you know at least one person who has held the view that Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) or Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment (B-bBEE) has not worked. Not from a framework perspective mind you, they are quick to add, but rather from an implementation perspective. A few…

July 2009

FROM THE PEN Generation Y breaks from the herd It is widely acknowledged that generation Y is making huge waves professionally. It is the most abundant generation since the baby boomers, who were conceived directly after the second world war. The generation Y constituents are known to be techno savvy, career-minded, confident, motivated, outspoken, innovative…

June 2009

FROM THE PEN Sink or swim: surviving the crisis It has happened before. In Spain in the 15th century after it discovered silver in South America and used this new resource to finance wars. In the 1870s, after the railroad and agricultural finance collapse in the US. In the 1980s in Japan when loans on…

May 2009

FROM THE PEN A twofold attitude of gratitude As many of my counterparts across the globe would recognise, putting together a monthly journal is no small mission. Without the support of dedicated supporters and contributors, and reviewers and readers, the hours of slogging over the right mix of content, proper syntax and correcting split infinitives,…

April 2009

FROM THE PEN Results and predictions In The Economist’s ‘The World in 2009’ issue, they make, as per the norm, a number of predictions are madethat have me quite intrigued. The Economist shares that there is a global shift of power emerging through the economic crisis the world is currently facing. Emerging economies such as…