Monica Singer CA(SA)

Viewpoints: Blockchain for the energy industry

Distributed ledger technology has the potential to improve efficiencies for utility providers by tracking the chain of custody for grid materials. Beyond provenance tracking, blockchain offers unique solutions for renewable energy distribution. There are several use cases including real-time data management, moving carbon credits, and renewable energy certificates. Monica Singer CA(SA) Blockchain Evangelist for Consensys…

Viewpoints: The operationalisation of ESG reporting

It might have been possible a decade ago to ignore climate change, but the recent catastrophic record temperatures, floods, droughts and forest fires on steroids confirm beyond doubt that our planet is experiencing system failure. Kurt Sartorius Climate change activist, Professor of Accounting at University of University of the Witwatersrand Climate change and corporate emissions…

Viewpoints: Real self-care is key to mental wellness

Self-care can take many different forms, but some common examples are getting regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, practising meditation or mindfulness, and spending time with friends and family. But did you know that self-care extends far beyond these well-known areas? Usha Maharaj CA(SA) Executive and Leadership Development Coach; passionate about women…

Feature: Digital innovation and transformation advancements advancements crucial for both students and universities

What do students and campuses of the future need in an increasingly constrained and competitive environment? The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Global Social Mobility 2020 report placed South Africa 80th out of 82 countries for access, equity and quality of education. According to this report, it will take nine generations for a South African born…