Hybrid remote working

In the early months of 2020, governments worldwide put their countries into lockdown to manage the spread of the coronavirus causing COVID-19. As a result, organisations enabled their workforce to work remotely. This move presented an opportunity to consider a hybrid remote working model post the pandemic. A hybrid remote working model entails employee working…

Online assessment during COVID-19: The role of educators and students

Being an educator in South Africa is truly inspiring, as we facilitate learning and development for our students in the post-school space and assist them in developing their competence (this includes knowledge, skills and attributes) in the professional accounting arena. The development of these competencies is what builds capacity and improves our economic outlook over…

Financial statements to undergo a facelift

How many times have shareholders and other users of financial statements questioned the quality of financial information that companies provide in financial statements? The manner in which financial information is presented and disclosed could impact how the users of financial statements perceive the content and context provided in those financial statements. Financial statements are an…