Garmin Dash Cam Dash Cam is a high-definition camera that mounts to any vehicle’s windscreen. It continuously records a wide-angle view of the road while driving. Once installed, the camera remains fully automated and it will start recording when the engine is turned on and stop when it is turned off. Dash Cam has incident…

VIEWPOINT: Virtuous circles

“Circular economy business models can dramatically reduce the cost of source materials.” The industrial revolution created linear economies in which raw materials were sourced, turned into products as cheaply as possible and then sold to consumers. For centuries little thought went into where and how end-of-life products would be disposed of – but waste is…

VIEWPOINT: Sunk costs

“When making decisions, only incremental costs and benefits should influence your future choices …” Most of the readers of this magazine would have, at the very least, done some kind of elementary management accounting course at university where they would’ve learnt about sunk costs. So we know that these sunk costs are completely irrelevant to…

VIEWPOINT: Why plan?

“As many as six to seven million formal-sector employees have no access to any formal retirement planning or protection for their families on death or disability and rely on the state.” Retirement reform is going to impact our businesses and employees, and with most employers still in the dark about the payroll consequences of retirement…

ANALYSIS: First-time adoption of the accrual basis

Amanda Botha explains how the application of the principles set out in the proposed International Public Sector Accounting Standard will enhance the credibility of a first-time adopter’s financial statements during its transition to full accrual accounting The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) has recently issued a proposed standard, the First-time Adoption of Accrual…