Cover Story: Abed Tau

Solving a real-world problem can be the best start for a business. Abed Tau has a passion for education inherited from his father, but he’s also driven by a nose for business. At just 30, he is a director of Thamani Consulting and co-founder of tech start-ups Tuta-me and Silicon Maboneng. The challenging state of…

Recommend: Accountability continues to fail in local government says Auditor-General

The Auditor-General (AG) released the general report on the 2016/17 MFMA audit outcomes in May 2018. The report indicates an overall regression compared to previous financial years. The audit outcomes of 45 municipalities regressed while there was an improvement in 16 municipalities. Only 33 (13%) of municipalities managed to produce quality financial statements and performance…

Keys To Unlocking Great Decision-Making

Decision-making is hard. An unclear or poorly defined process can trigger decision ‘churn’, where previous judgments are revisited; a ‘fog of accountability’, where no one is truly answerable; ‘death by PowerPoint’, where decision-making gets lost from too much information-sharing; and bureaucratic governance. Read the full article here.

Feature: Blockchain – Enriching The Accounting Industry?

Blockchain has great potential to enrich the accounting industry by reducing the costs of upholding and reconciling ledgers and providing unqualified certainty over the ownership of assets. Furthermore, it will free up resources to concentrate on planning and valuation, rather than just plain bookkeeping. Blockchain is a software platform for digital assets. It is a…

Mentoring Millenials

‘Am I continuing to learn and grow?’ is a question that resonates with employees of all ages. The way your organisation helps them answer that question may be your competitive advantage in attracting, developing and keeping tomorrow’s talent. The global workforce is undergoing a seismic shift: in four years, millennials – the people born between…