INFLUENCE: Re-engineering our professions

South Africa’s apartheid legacy left many sectors and professions with skewed demographic profiles. After twenty years of democracy, the shift in demographics in most cases has been miniscule, and transformation clearly needs to be accelerated. By Yuven Gounden The Human Resources Development Council (HRDC) was established in 2010 to advise the Deputy President on issues…

May 2015

A world of possibilities South Africans recently celebrated Freedom Day, and while our country is still in transition and the journey is full of hurdles, we always have high hopes and work together in creating a better tomorrow for all South Africans. Unfortunately the celebrations came at a time when we are trying to put…

VIEWPOINT: Sharing is caring

Collaborative consumption is the socio-economic system supported by network technologies that enable you to share and exchange assets, from space to skills to goods, within peer communities, in a profitable way, that was never possible before. This system empowers you to be true to yourself by doing what you want when you want with what…


TED (technology, entertainment, design) is a presentation format that invites thought leaders to share their ideas during a formal TED conference. A TED-style talk is highly inspiring, and you can use the same structure to deliver your next speech. How to structure a TED talk Choose a topic that you are highly passionate about. Although…

VIEWPOINT: Leaders know, go and show

I recently read Deloitte’s Human capital trends 2015 and learnt some valuable things about building future leaders that I’d like to share with you. According to Deloitte’s survey, building leadership is Africa’s paramount issue in the arena of human capital. The capability gap for building great leaders has widened all around the globe and organisations…