Viewpoints: Fresh start

Organisation Development, (OD) Consultant Writing feels refreshing and freeing. Re-entry from a significant time in our global history is creating many opportunities to redefine our collective paths, expectations of our chosen work and associated societal norms. Our insights come with huge responsibilities. As COVID-19 is spreading rapidly and affecting every facet of our lives, we…

Building resilience in times of disruption

This article highlights the need for South African companies to display resilience amidst the country’s COVID-19 lockdown period. ‘For some organisations, near-term survival is the only agenda item. Others are peering through the fog of uncertainty, thinking about how to position themselves once the crisis has passed and things return to a so-called ‘normal’. The…

Lending a helping hand

A new study on food insecurity by an alliance of the United Nations (UN) – Global Network Against Food Crises – governmental and non-governmental agencies has been analysing what is fuelling global food crises and examining how the COVID-19 pandemic is perpetuating downward cycles for millions around the world. The study found that at the…

Nurturing the CA(SA) pipeline

Stylish home studio workspace with office supplies. Work from home concept. With copy space for your text As the South African economy flails under COVID-19 and a downgrade to junk status, SAICA talks to CA(SA) Ignatius Sehoole about the importance of ensuring we continue to bring top-quality CAs(SA) into the system. ‘Let’s not forget that…

COVID-19 Expanding amidst the pandemic

In an online interview with Anoty Africa’s co-owner, Vhutshilo Nemutshili, he shared the wonderful quote on the right by John Maxwell speaking about leadership and the power of shared knowledge. As we follow his entrepreneurial journey, we recognise his efforts to rise above the current crisis and still come up with fresh ideas to do…