Advice: Delivering sustained international development outcomes in Africa

The COVID-19 pandemic, climate change and other urgent challenges demonstrate the need for greater resilience and sustained development outcomes in Africa’s economies and societies. Simultaneously, addressing existing vulnerabilities and promoting inclusive and resilient growth requires significant investment and expertise The international development sector is helping to deliver real change aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals…

Special feature: Where it’s at – SAICA helped me kick off my accounting career dreams

Anele Samantha Mthiyane (25) credits her ability to pursue her dreams of a career in accounting to SAICA. Having taken part in the SAICA Enterprise Development (ED) Khulisa iBiznis programme as an unemployed accounting graduate, today Anele is a proud holder of SAICA’s Accounting Technician (AT(SA)) designation. This is her story of success … ‘My…

Special feature: Where it’s at – EVOLVING to the next level

Chartered accountant Mahomed Haffejee believes that each of us should have some accounting knowledge – after all, every single individual has to take accountability for their salary. That’s why he’s an enthusiastic proponent of SAICA’s Accounting Technician (AT(SA)) qualification Mahomed’s interest in accounting had been sparked while at school. By the time he completed his…