To fix dysfunctional municipalities, start from the ground up

Auditor-General Kimi Makwetu has recently lamented that the recommendations his office made to improve accountability and internal controls during the 2016/17 financial year were largely ignored by municipalities. Yet, Nadine Kater, General Manager of Accounting Technicians South Africa AT(SA), believes Makwetu’s advice could prove to be ‘a reactive approach that may only solve the problem…

We are all decision-makers

If you ask people who the decision-makers are in their organisation, it’s likely that they’ll point towards the CEO and other senior executive directors. The truth is, however, that each person in the organisation takes decisions that have the potential to affect not only themselves but the entire company. Every person is a decision-maker. Realising…

How to Lose Your Best

When your employees (and maybe even you, as their manager) aren’t allowed to grow, they begin to feel that they don’t matter. They feel like a cog in a wheel, easily swapped out. If you aren’t invested in them, they won’t be invested in you, and even if they don’t walk out the door, they…