INFLUENCE: Top 10 ITC candidates

Honours is awarded to candidates who achieved a score of 75% or higher for the Initial Test of Competence (ITC). The Top 10 candidates all achieved honours in this examination. BYRON FORSBERG How did you prepare for your exams? The University of Pretoria provided me with the best preparation for the ITC throughout my four…

INFLUENCE: Excellent ITC results

  The 2015 January ITC examinations yielded an excellent pass rate of 76% for all candidates, with Thuthuka Bursary Fund candidates leading the way. By Janine Claassens The Initial Test of Competence (ITC) examinations is the first of two Qualifying Examinations and is only one of several prerequisites for qualifying as a chartered accountant, or…

LEAD: Profile: For the record

Caroline Wostmann CA(SA) was the first woman over the line at the 2015 Two Oceans Marathon. She completed the 56-km ultra-marathon in a time of 03:41:23, thus becoming the first South African woman to clinch the title in 14 years. Yuven Gounden reports Frith van der Merwe’s 1989 unbroken record time for the Two Oceans…

INFLUENCE: Re-engineering our professions

South Africa’s apartheid legacy left many sectors and professions with skewed demographic profiles. After twenty years of democracy, the shift in demographics in most cases has been miniscule, and transformation clearly needs to be accelerated. By Yuven Gounden The Human Resources Development Council (HRDC) was established in 2010 to advise the Deputy President on issues…